Winter Sports | First Big Snow of the Season


Snow DayIt’s official. Winter is here. Those of us wanting to put it off just a bit longer, enjoying the golden fall colors with the snow dusted peaks, well you better say sayanara. Snow is on the ground and it’s sticking. The forecast following yesterday’s snow day, three more days of predicted snow. For skiers and boarders this is the best November news yet.

Yep, it’s true I was in the camp of let’s wait a little longer, Fall is pretty nice here. However, when I woke up this morning and it was blue skies, frosted trees it sure looked like paradise outside. I remembered the great things about winter, cross country skiing in the meadow, boarding on the peak, excuse to drink alcoholic hot chocolate, Christmas and that the slopes open in only 18 days. We need the snow. We want the snow. Maybe I should do a snow dance.

Take a look of some of the first images of winter 2011-12. Enjoy and see you on the slopes in Big Sky soon.

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[su_column size="1/3"] Snow[/su_column]
[su_column size="1/3"]Snow[/su_column]
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